So I know I've been a bit quiet recently but I've been really busy working loads of overtime and sorting out bits and pieces for my sisters baby shower etc but I have some news!
As you can tell I'm pretty excited right now ! I'm going on April 29th 2014 and will be in Food and Beverage!!! YAYYYYYY !
So basically I had completely given up hope on Disney because I had emailed Louise a few weeks ago to see where current waitlisters stood compared to the new applicants and she had said that Yummy were not expecting Disney to give out anymore dates for our application round :( I took it as an official no and started to think about reapplying in Spring and just started living life as if Disney was not going to happen, I was gutted but at least I knew not to get my hopes up anymore. I let the other waitlisters know too so everyone was at least pre-warned that we would probably be receiving a rejection email soon.
On Thursday 28th November I was having the WORST morning and had even been in tears with frustration about what to do with my life. I had just come back to my desk from our daily team 'huddle' and checked my phone quickly (a habit from waiting for the call for 8 months which had stuck even when I wasn't expecting the call!) and saw that I had a missed call and voicemail from Yummy Jobs (I had saved the number after almost having numerous heart attacks over unknown numbers calling me in the past). I swung round in my chair and said to my friend "Oh my god I have a missed call from Disney" and asked my manager if I could run around the corner and call them. As I walking off of the office floor I listened to the voicemail which was Louise asking me to call her! I was freaking out & shaking loads when I called and was very relieved it was Louise who answered. We started speaking about a picture of Nick during his CRP that YJ had tweeted me after I said they should tweet pictures of them on their programs and I said how happy he looked in it which is when Louise said 'Well how would you like to be that happy and work for Disney?'

All I can really remember saying was 'oh my god yes!' I was so so so happy and felt so overwhelmed I thought I was going to cry and was totally freaking out. Louise told me my date and said I had a really good arrival group and would be sending out an offer letter to me. When I got off of the phone I tried calling my mum, my boyfriend and both my sisters none of which answered their phones!!! I sent a really excited text to my boyfriend with my date etc but really wanted to tell my mum over the phone so text her asking her to call me on my work number ASAP as it was really important. I went back to my desk where my team all started congratulating me etc which was really lovely, I am very lucky to have such supportive colleagues and manager. My manager was just joking about how she was going to tell my mum before I got a chance when the phone rung and it was her!
The phone call went a bit like this:
Me: "Mum guess who's moving to Disney World?"
Mum: "Who?" (seriously mother?! How many people do you know that have applied?!)
Me: "ME! I just got the call from Yummy Jobs and I go on the 29th April AND I got food and beverage!!!"
Then she started crying which naturally made me cry (please bear in mind that at this point I was on the phone on our desk in the middle of the office haha). Telling my mum was probably one of the best moments of my life so far.
The rest of the day was spent getting lots of congratulations, hugs, cards and even a cute little Minnie key ring! Needless to say my mind was definitely not at work that day! When I got home me, mum, John (the boy) and my little brother Brett got takeaway and toasted my new job with some champagne- Mum made a toast but started crying during the first sentence, bless! I think all of the family will be going for a meal this weekend or early next week to celebrate which will be nice :)
I am so happy that this finally happened and I love my start date :) only 5 months to go!!!! It's actually the day after my sisters birthday but 3 days before my sisters baby is due which is a bit rubbish but we are going to ask the baby very nicely to make an early appearance by about 4 days so hopefully they listen to us :)
I just can't believe it happened when I least expected it and had given up all hope. I am actually so thankful to have been on the waitlist now because I appreciate having a date even more now and dare I say it has actually taught me to be more patient? I am the happiest girl in the world right now <3